Employee Handbook
v1.2 (Revised 5/6/2024)
Contents / Section Links
- Office Information
- Assignment Policies and Procedures
- Timecard and Payroll Policies
- Light Industrial Safety Guidelines
- Office / Clerical Safety Guidelines
- Workstation Checklist
- Reporting Workplace Injuries
- Worker’s Compensation
- Unemployment Compensation
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Drug-Free Workplace Policy
- Workplace Violence Policy
- Family and Medical Leave
- Earned Paid Leave
- MERIT (Maine Retirement Investment Trust)
- How to Succeed While On Assignment
- Helpful Interviewing Tips
- Dress Code Description
- Commonly Asked Questions
We are pleased that you have applied for employment with our firm. We will work with you to find assignments that match your skills, needs and interests. Throughout this handbook you will find Rock Coast Personnel’s policies, procedures and helpful hints on how our staffing and recruiting company operates. As an employee of Rock Coast Personnel, you will be responsible for each and every policy listed throughout this handbook. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our policies and procedures, please contact your recruiter.
Office Information
Office Hours: Monday through Thursday 7:30am to 5:30pm, Friday 7:30am to 5pm
Voice Mail: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Address: 210 Western Avenue (2nd Floor), South Portland, Maine 04106
Phone: (207) 799-6732
Assignment Policies and Procedures
Calling in your availability: Please do not hesitate to check in periodically with our office. Realistically, the more we hear your name, the more you will come to mind when we do receive assignments matching your skills. We will attempt to reach you at the phone number(s) you provided us. If we are unable to reach you, we will continue to call other Rock Coast Personnel employees until the available position is filled.
- Failure to adhere to all safety guidelines
- Lewd or suggestive behavior
- Violating any Rock Coast Personnel policy from this handbook
- Failure to give adequate absentee notification
- Showing disrespect for your supervisor
- Not working harmoniously with co-workers
- Not being a positive representative of Rock Coast Personnel
Any other disciplinary issues will be handled at the discretion of Rock Coast Personnel.
Timecard and Payroll Policies
Time Cards: You must have the following information on your time card in order to be paid:
- Client Company name, address & supervisor’s name.
- Your name, address, and telephone number.
- Dates worked.
- Accurate hours worked and totaled.
- Assignment completed checked Yes or No.
- Your supervisor must write in the total hours and sign the time card authorizing us to pay you.
- You must sign the timecard as well.
- Your time card must be turned in to our office no later than Noon on Monday and it must be a Rock Coast Personnel time card or a timecard that has been approved of in advance.
- Hours cannot be called in over the phone. Our time card is a legal document and is proof that our clients are authorizing Rock Coast Personnel to pay you for hours worked. Faxing or emailing the time card to us is acceptable. Timecards can be faxed to our fax number: 207-799-6739 or emailed as a picture to to our Payroll Manager: andre@rockcoastpersonnel.com. Please call our office to verify that we received your timecard.
- Please do not call Rock Coast Personnel recruiters and ask them to take care of your time card. In order to get paid on time, it is your responsibility, as an employee of Rock Coast Personnel, to take care of your own time card.
- Each Wednesday afternoon, paychecks will be automatically mailed to the mailing address you have given Rock Coast Personnel or direct deposited on Friday into the banking account you have provided.
- If your address should change, it is your responsibility to notify us of the change. Rock Coast Personnel will not be held responsible for your failure to notify us of any changes resulting in your check being sent to the wrong address.
- A stop payment fee may be charged on lost or stolen checks.
- Manual checks will not be issued.
- You will always be paid for the hours you work. Assignments have no guarantee and may be canceled or modified at any time.
Light Industrial Safety Guidelines
- Safety protection must be worn on many assignments. This includes work boots, gloves, safety glasses and earplugs.
- Wear adequate clothing to protect against injury to the body.
- Absolutely NO firearms, knives, tools, alcoholic beverages, or drugs (other than legally prescribed) allowed on any job site. Prescribed medication that might affect your job performance must be reported to Rock Coast Personnel.
- Refrain from all potentially dangerous behavior, particularly horseplay, throwing of objects or fighting.
- Always use safe lifting techniques when lifting objects of any weight. If the assignment requires the use of safety equipment, please discuss this with your immediate supervisor on the job site.
Tools and Equipment
- Do not use broken or extremely worn tools. Bring the condition of the tools to your immediate supervisor.
- Do not use tools you are unfamiliar with until you have received proper training.
- The use of ladders and climbing of scaffolding is strictly prohibited.
Machinery and Vehicles
- Always check to make sure that all guards and safety devices are in place before operating equipment. Intentional tampering with the operation of safety guards and/or safety devices will result in disciplinary action.
- Never work under equipment supported by hoists or jacks.
- Never operate any licensed motor vehicle while on assignment for Rock Coast Personnel.
- Forklift equipment operation is prohibited unless authorized in writing by Rock Coast Personnel.
Office / Clerical Safety Guidelines
It is the policy of Rock Coast Personnel to provide all of our employees with a safe, healthy and injury-free workplace. To ensure that a safe workplace is maintained, employees will observe all safety practices, rules, and standards throughout the workday. The monitoring and maintaining of a quality safety program can prevent all accidents and injuries.
- We require that any unsafe condition or accident be reported immediately to a supervisor.
- We prohibit the use of illegal drugs, alcohol, firearms and horseplay in the workplace.
- Familiarize yourself with the client’s fire report system and emergency escape plan.
- Use power equipment only if trained and authorized by Rock Coast Personnel. Keep safety guards in place.
- Organize your workspace to reduce muscle fatigue.
- Adjust your chair, keyboard and work screen to a comfortable level.
- Adjust work level to avoid bending wrists. Keep wrist position neutral.
- Get a cart or helper for a heavy or awkward load.
- Keep aisles clear.
- If you work at a computer work station during the day, stand up and walk around periodically to reduce stress and tension.
- Make stretching exercises part of your normal routine.
- Never drive a vehicle to run office errands.
Work Station Checklist
Using this checklist is one way an employer or employees can identify, analyze and
control MSD hazards in computer workstation tasks.
Working Conditions
The workstation is designed or arranged for doing VDT tasks so it allows the employee’s . . .
- Head and neck to be about upright (not bent down/back).
- Head, neck and trunk to face forward (not twisted).
- Trunk to be about perpendicular to floor (not leaning forward/backward).
- Shoulders and upper arms to be about perpendicular to floor (not stretched forward) and relaxed (not elevated).
- Upper arms and elbows to be close to body (not extended outward).
- Forearms, wrists, and hands to be straight and parallel to floor (not pointing up/down).
- Wrists and hands to be straight (not bent up/down or sideways toward little finger).
- Thighs to be about parallel to floor and lower legs to be about perpendicular to floor.
- Feet to rest flat on floor or be supported by a stable footrest.
The chair . . .
- Backrest provides support for employee’s lower back (lumbar area).
- Seat width and depth accommodate specific employee (seat pan not too big/small).
- Seat front does not press against the back of employee’s knees and lower legs (seat pan not too long).
- Seat has cushioning and is rounded/ has “waterfall” front (no sharp edge).
The keyboard is designed or arranged for doing VDT tasks so that . . .
- Keyboard platform is stable and large enough to hold keyboard and input device.
- Input device (mouse or trackball) is located right next to keyboard so it can be operated without reaching.
- Input device is easy to activate and shape/size fits hand of specific employee.
- Wrists and hands do not rest on sharp or hard edge.
The monitor is designed or arranged for VDT tasks so that . . .
- Top line of screen is at or below eye level so employee is able to read it without bending head or neck down/back. (For employees with bifocals/trifocals, see next item.)
- Employee with bifocals/trifocals is able to read screen without bending head or neck backward.
- Monitor distance allows employee to read screen without leaning head, neck or trunk forward/backward.
- Monitor position is directly in front of employee so employee does not have to twist head or neck.
Reporting Workplace Injuries
Rock Coast Personnel is extremely concerned about the health and safety of our employees. In the event that a workplace injury does occurs, we require the following procedures to be taken:
- In an emergency, please contact Rock Coast Personnel and your on-site supervisor immediately. We will assess the situation and determine what steps should be taken.
- If necessary, a Rock Coast Personnel Representative will visit the site where the injury occurred.
- All reasonable efforts must be made to contact Rock Coast Personnel prior to seeking medical attention.
- If Medical attention is needed, Rock Coast Personnel will set up an appointment for you to see our medical provider. When completing hospital/insurance forms, please remember that Rock Coast Personnel is your employer.
Rock Coast Personnel is committed to providing exceptional care to our employees and to cooperate on all workers’ compensation claims. It is our policy to make every effort to get employees back to work as soon as physically possible. Oftentimes this is done first through the use of light duty assignments. If you are out of work due to a work related injury while an employee of Rock Coast Personnel, without exception you must check in with our office every day.
Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation is defined by a set of rules determined by the State of Maine, which outlines benefits to employees who have sustained work related injuries or illnesses. The laws provide for payment of medical bills and treatment due to such injuries and illnesses and income benefits for employees who may lose time from work. Funds for these benefits are provided by Rock Coast Personnel through MEMIC, our Workers’ Compensation claims administrator, as required by law. If you are injured on the job or suffer a work related disability, certain procedures must be followed to ensure that you receive your benefits quickly. Follow the procedures outlined under “ Workplace Injures” in this handbook. Rock Coast Personnel provides benefits, as required by law, to every employee injured during the course of their employment. However, if we determine that any employee has provided false information to Rock Coast Personnel, our medical provider, or to our claims administrator for the purpose of fraudulently obtaining workers’ compensation benefits, we will take the strongest possible action to prosecute that employee to the fullest extent the law provides.
Unemployment Compensation
Unemployment compensation insurance is a temporary financial benefit to employees who have lost their jobs due to no fault of their own. The amount of the benefit is based on past work and earnings. Maine has its’ own set of rules which outline eligibility criteria. Rock Coast Personnel complies with all State laws.
If you have been unemployed, your unemployment insurance may be deferred while you are working as a temporary employee. It is our policy to cooperate fully with everyone who is entitled to unemployment insurance.
Voluntary Termination-Misrepresenting facts on an application, failing to show up for an assignment, continual tardiness or other misconduct constitutes a voluntary termination and may invalidate unemployment insurance claims.
Job Refusal – If you are not prepared to accept positions similar to the ones that qualified you for unemployment insurance, this constitutes a “job refusal” and may jeopardize unemployment claims.
Sexual Harassment Policy
- The Maine Human Rights Act Prohibits Sex Discrimination.
- Sexual Harassment on the job is illegal and will not be tolerated. Rock Coast Personnel will respond promptly to complaints of harassment. Where it is determined that inappropriate conduct has occurred, Rock Coast Personnel will act to eliminate the conduct and impose such corrective action as is necessary, including disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination.
- Sexual Harassment is defined as: Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when 1) submission to such contact is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s employment, 2) submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual, or 3) such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment.
- If you feel you have been discriminated against please contact your recruiter at Rock Coast Personnel at 207-799-6732.
- If you have any other questions, you may also contact the Maine Human Rights Commission at 207-624-6050.
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
This policy is to insure that Rock Coast Personnel employs a work force that is free from the adverse effects of alcohol, illegal drugs or legal drugs obtained illegally or taken for the purpose of abuse. The following activities are prohibited by this policy and will result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.
- The use, abuse, purchase, possession or concealment of illegal drugs while on Rock Coast Personnel’s or client’s premises or while performing an assignment.
- Any sale or distribution of illegal drugs.
- The unauthorized use of alcoholic beverages or the possession of an open container containing alcohol while on Rock Coast Personnel’s or a client’s premises or while performing an assignment.
- Work impairment due to the use of illegal drugs or legal drugs in the system while performing an assignment.
- The abuse of medications prescribed by a physician and over the counter medication to the extent that job performance or fitness for duty is adversely affected. The legal use of over the counter medication and controlled substances prescribed by a physician is not prohibited, however, employees are required to notify their supervisor when taking any medication that interferes with their ability to perform the essential job functions of a particular assignment prior to or during an assignment at a client’s facility.
Workplace Violence Policy
Rock Coast Personnel wishes to maintain a work environment that is free from any forms of violence. The possession, sale, transfer, or use of firearms, weapons, explosives, or other improper materials is prohibited on Rock Coast Personnel’s or a client’s premises. It is a violation of this policy to posses a weapon, to threaten another person with bodily harm, or to assault another person while on Rock Coast Personnel’s property or during working hours, or while engaged in Rock Coast Personnel business regardless of location. Employees in violation of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Rock Coast Personnel requires that any acts of violence in the workplace or any weapons observed thereon be reported to Rock Coast Personnel immediately.
Family and Medical Leave Act
Employee Rights Under the Family and Medical Leave Act
Leave Entitlements
Eligible employees who work for a covered employer can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave in a 12-month period for the following reasons:
- The birth of a child or placement of a child for adoption or foster care;
- To bond with a child (leave must be taken within one year of the child’s birth or placement);
- To care for the employee’s spouse, child, or parent who has a qualifying serious health condition;
- For the employee’s own qualifying serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the employee’s job;
- For qualifying exigencies related to the foreign deployment of a military member who is the employee’s spouse, child, or parent.
An eligible employee who is a covered servicemember’s spouse, child, parent, or next of kin may also take up to 26 weeks of FMLA leave in a single 12-month period to care for the servicemember with a serious injury or illness.
An employee does not need to use leave in one block. When it is medically necessary or otherwise permitted, employees may take leave intermittently or on a reduced schedule. Employees may choose, or an employer may require, use of accrued paid leave while taking FMLA leave. If an employee substitutes accrued paid leave for FMLA leave, the employee must comply with the employer’s normal paid leave policies.
Benefits & Protections
While employees are on FMLA leave, employers must continue health insurance coverage as if the employees were not on leave.
Upon return from FMLA leave, most employees must be restored to the same job or one nearly identical to it with equivalent pay, benefits, and other employment terms and conditions.
An employer may not interfere with an individual’s FMLA rights or retaliate against someone for using or trying to use FMLA leave, opposing any practice made unlawful by the FMLA, or being involved in any proceeding under or related to the FMLA.
Eligibility Requirements
An employee who works for a covered employer must meet three criteria in order to be eligible for FMLA leave. The employee must:
- Have worked for the employer for at least 12 months;
- Have at least 1,250 hours of service in the 12 months before taking leave;* and
- Work at a location where the employer has at least 50 employees within 75 miles of the employee’s worksite.
* Special “hours of service” requirements apply to airline flight crew employees.
Requesting Leave
Generally, employees must give 30-days’ advance notice of the need for FMLA leave. If it is not possible to give 30-days’ notice, an employee must notify the employer as soon as possible and, generally, follow the employer’s usual procedures.
Employees do not have to share a medical diagnosis, but must provide enough information to the employer so it can determine if the leave qualifies for FMLA protection. Sufficient information could include informing an employer that the employee is or will be unable to perform his or her job functions, that a family member cannot perform daily activities, or that hospitalization or continuing medical treatment is necessary. Employees must inform the employer if the need for leave is for a reason for which FMLA leave was previously taken or certified.
Employers can require a certification or periodic recertification supporting the need for leave. If the employer determines that the certification is incomplete, it must provide a written notice indicating what additional information is required.
Employer Responsibilities
Once an employer becomes aware that an employee’s need for leave is for a reason that may qualify under the FMLA, the employer must notify the employee if he or she is eligible for FMLA leave and, if eligible, must also provide a notice of rights and responsibilities under the FMLA. If the employee is not eligible, the employer must provide a reason for ineligibility.
Employers must notify its employees if leave will be designated as FMLA leave, and if so, how much leave will be designated as FMLA leave.
Employers must notify its employees if leave will be designated as FMLA leave, and if so, how much leave will be designated as FMLA leave.
Employees may file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, or may bring a private lawsuit against an employer.
The FMLA does not affect any federal or state law prohibiting discrimination or supersede any state or local law or collective bargaining agreement that provides greater family or medical leave rights.
For additional information or to file a complaint:
TTY: 1-877-889-5627
U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division
Earned Paid Leave
Every Rock Coast Personnel employee accrues Earned Paid Leave at a rate of 1 hour of leave per 40 hours worked.
What kind of leave does this provide:
- Paid at your regular rate of pay.
- Time off that may be used for any reason: illness, emergency, vacation, etc.
- Un-used leave may be carried over into a new year.
- This leave must be used in a minimum increment of one-hour, up to a maximum of your available accrued leave.
- Other than emergencies, advance notice of two weeks is required to use your accrued leave.
- Breaks in employment with Rock Coast Personnel or changes in assignment while employed by Rock Coast Personnel will not affect your accrued leave.
- Unused accrued leave can be requested to be paid at any time.
- Please contact our Payroll Manager via e-mail and/or phone to request your leave payments.
MERIT (Maine Retirement Investment Trust)
Maine has instituted a new retirement plan for people working for all Maine Employers called MERIT (Maine Retirement Investment Trust). This is a state sponsored Roth IRA plan that will automatically begin deducting 5% of your gross pay for your retirement contributions. An e-mail is sent shortly after an employee starts.
If you do not wish to participate, you can opt out, but in order to do so you MUST log in and choose to opt out using the unique code sent to you in the e-mail. Otherwise, the automatic deduction of 5% will take place. You can also increase the deduction percent if you prefer.
The employee support number for MERIT is 833-608-8840.
How To Succeed While On Assignment
- Most importantly; arrive on time
- Be polite, friendly and enthusiastic
- Have a positive attitude
- Dress appropriately for the position
- Do your job well
- Ask questions or seek guidance when necessary
- Let us know in advance of any changes that effect you on the job
- Positively represent Rock Coast Personnel at all times
Helpful Interviewing Tips
To follow are some helpful tips when interviewing for any position. The way you prepare for an interview can give you a huge advantage. The reality is it is not necessarily the person who has the most experience that gets the job. The person that will draw an offer will be the person who interviews the best. Prepare yourself by following these simple but very effective seven steps of the interview process.
1. Preparation:
Do your homework on the company with whom you are interviewing. More than likely their web site can give you most of the information you need to prepare. If they don’t have a web site, ask people that work for the company or do business with the company. You will need to intelligently explain to the interviewer why you want to work for their organization. In addition, Rock Coast Personnel recommends the book, “Knock’em Dead, The Ultimate Job Seekers Handbook,” by Martin Yate, to sharpen your interviewing skills.
2. Introduction/Presence:
- What to wear? For both men and women, we recommend wearing a dark blue or black suit. Always dress conservatively on your first interview.
- Body language: Energy! Sit on the edge of your seat and show enthusiasm. Keep good eye contact and don’t forget to smile.
- What to bring? Bring a professional portfolio with at least three extra copies of your resume. Take notes during the interview.
3. Needs Analysis:
What kind of product (i.e., person) do they need? Here are a few great questions that will uncover the answer:
- Who has been the best you’ve had performing the job I’m interviewing for? What made them so successful?
- In a perfect World, who is the ideal candidate for this position?
- What characteristics are you looking for in an individual for this position?
Register the answers to these questions; even jot them down on your notepad. From this point forward, sell yourself using these characteristics throughout the rest of the interview. Remember, interviewing is psychological! Find out exactly what they want or need in a candidate and become that perfect candidate.
4. Presentation of the Product (You):
When discussing your background, take into account the following guidelines:
- Make certain your background flows. Be aware of your past decision making processes. (The interviewer will be!)
- The interviewer is looking for a specific characteristic, trait, or competency with every question. Never take a question lightly.
5. Uncovering Objections:
Get the concerns and objections out of the interviewer. Overcome them by selling your background. Simply ask these questions: “What concerns or questions do you have about my background?” and “What can I clarify for you about my background?
6. Closing the Interview:
Never leave the interview until you know your status! It’s time to be a professional sales person and close for the next step or offer. Here is how to do it:
- “I am very excited about this opportunity. What is the next step of the interview process? Can I count on your recommendation to move on to the next step?”
Other questions:
- “Out of all the candidates you have interviewed, where do I rank thus far? (Hint- If you are not #1, ask why not?)
- “Let me ask you this; if I were the last person you were to bring in for this position would you be bringing me back for a second interview?”
7. Follow-up:
Always send a typewritten or hand-written note immediately after the interview to everyone you met with. Drop the letter in the mail that afternoon or have it sent overnight. For a more personal touch, courier or hand deliver the letter.
Dress Code Description
Professional Dress: Business suits and dresses, with neckties for men. Dress shoes, loafers, flats, and similar shoes are acceptable. Panty hose should be worn with skirts. Skirts should not be more than two inches above the knee.
Business Casual Dress: Wrinkle free slacks, collared dress shirts, golf shirts, turtlenecks, and like clothing are acceptable. Casual dresses, skirts, and split skirts are fine. Skirts should not be more than three inches above the knee. Sports coats are also fine. Jewelry should be minimal and not ostentatious. Loafers, boots, flats, dress sandals, open-toed shoes, clogs, and leather deck shoes are all acceptable footwear.
Casual Dress: Clean black or blue jeans with no holes or tears, casual pants (such as Dockers), polo shirts, collared dress shirts, and skirts or dresses are all acceptable. Skirts should not be more than four inches above knee. Shoulders and midriff should not be exposed. Jewelry should be minimal and not ostentatious. Loafers, boots, flats, and leather deck shoes are all acceptable footwear.
Blue Jean Dress: Clean jeans with no holes or tears, tee shirts without offensive language or imagery, and casual skirts and dresses are all acceptable. Skirts should not be more than four inches above knee. Shoulders and midriff should not be exposed. Jewelry should be minimal and not ostentatious. Loafers, boots, flats, dress sandals, open-toed shoes, clogs, and leather deck shoes are all acceptable footwear.
Blue Jeans with Steel Toes: Clean jeans with no holes or tears, tee shirts without offensive language or imagery, flannel, and chamois shirts are all acceptable. Shoulders and midriff should not be exposed. Jewelry should be minimal and not ostentatious. Boots and shoes with steel toes are the only acceptable footwear.
Commonly Asked Questions
If I am terminated from an assignment for non-disciplinary reasons am I still eligible for rehire with Rock Coast Personnel?
Of course, just because an assignment ended early through no fault of your own, you are still an employee in good standing with Rock Coast Personnel. Stay in touch with your recruiter for other job opportunities.
Should my supervisor ever be responsible for submitting my hours?
Sometimes, it depends on the client company. Check with your recruiter, but keep in mind that it is your responsibility to verify that Rock Coast Personnel has received your time card. Call our office no later than Monday morning to verify that we received your timecard.
If I need to miss work for any reason while the Rock Coast Personnel office is closed, how shall I notify my recruiter?
Leave a detailed message on our voice mail. All messages are time and date stamped.