Heavy Wheel Mechanic position; Elliott, Maine; part-time, direct hire position, approx. 20 hours / week; Starting p… http://pic.twitter.com/HPT93buqiN — RockCoastPersonnelLI (@RockCoastPsnlLI) March 17, 2016 from Twitter https://twitter.com/RockCoastPsnlLI March 17, 2016 at 10:45AM via IFTTT

#GrowMELaborForce: ME Black unemployment % exceeds State avg. (see 3/9), hispanic rate is even higher (worst in US). https://t.co/w92pznuZa2 — Rock Coast Personnel (@RockCoastPsnl) March 16, 2016 from Twitter https://twitter.com/RockCoastPsnl March 16, 2016 at 02:50PM via IFTTT

Non-profits & their role in the economy, Labor Force, etc. ME has one of the highest non-profit employment levels. https://t.co/9ftv0HwnSu — Rock Coast Personnel (@RockCoastPsnl) March 14, 2016 from Twitter https://twitter.com/RockCoastPsnl March 14, 2016 at 04:17PM via IFTTT

Production / Packing position; Cumberland, Maine; Starting pay = $11 / hr.; transportation, ability to lift heavy l… http://pic.twitter.com/kIFuftZdec — Rock Coast Personnel (@RockCoastPsnl) March 14, 2016 from Twitter https://twitter.com/RockCoastPsnl March 14, 2016 at 01:27PM via IFTTT

A glimpse into how our economy has changed over 100 years. Want to guess at categories & %'s 100 yrs. from now?https://t.co/A9cbEH9wVJ — Rock Coast Personnel (@RockCoastPsnl) March 11, 2016 from Twitter https://twitter.com/RockCoastPsnl March 11, 2016 at 11:31AM via IFTTT

#GrowMELaborForce: ME needs to do a better job moving the under-employed to the fully employed – 3rd(t) worst ratio.https://t.co/pzVpMwwSrD — Rock Coast Personnel (@RockCoastPsnl) March 10, 2016 from Twitter https://twitter.com/RockCoastPsnl March 10, 2016 at 02:25PM via IFTTT

#GrowMELaborForce: ME's Unemployment = 4%; why aren't we hiring more Blacks / African Americans?https://t.co/JGJKaij1Is — Rock Coast Personnel (@RockCoastPsnl) March 10, 2016 from Twitter https://twitter.com/RockCoastPsnl March 10, 2016 at 09:05AM via IFTTT

#GrowMELaborForce: ND=69.1% emp./pop. w/ 2.7% unemp., ME=59.5% w/ 4.0% unemp.; lots of lost economic activity and $https://t.co/yrcOZzGvQb — Rock Coast Personnel (@RockCoastPsnl) March 8, 2016 from Twitter https://twitter.com/RockCoastPsnl March 08, 2016 at 09:40AM via IFTTT