A major strike at Hostess plants is having an effect on Maine workers. Bill, our Operations Manager, had a few words in support of workers seeking better pay and conditions. Here is a link to the video. http://www.wgme.com/news/top-stories/stories/wgme_vid_14297.shtml
With the Hostess strike taking place in Maine, our firm was contacted to provide up to 25 replacement workers for the Biddeford plant. In this tough economy the last thing workers need is further cuts to benefits and wages. As a company we could not, in good conscience, provide replacement workers. Here is a link […]
This is an interesting article that discusses a number of barriers to entry that are important for job seekers to know about. It is well worth a read. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304821304577436172660988042.html
Here is an interesting article about the current state of manufacturing jobs. Well worth a few minutes to have a look at. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/new-us-commerce-department-report-manufacturing-jobs-provide-higher-pay-more-benefits-2012-05-09
This is an article with some good information for job seekers. Usually, the reasons that a person is not considered for a position are never made available to the candidate. This article provide some insight. 6 Reasons Why You Didn’t Get The Job http://www.businessinsider.com/i-didnt-hire-you-for-a-reason-2012-3
Here is an article worth having a looking at regarding the more desirable qualities in an employee. The article discusses remaining focused and motivated. Well worth a read. http://www.inc.com/jeff-haden/the-8-qualities-of-remarkable-employees.html
Here is a link to a useful article about preparing your resume. There is some good useful information here.
Here are a few useful tips about how to succeed while working on assignment. Most importantly; arrive on time Be polite, friendly and enthusiastic Have a positive attitude Dress appropriately for the position Do your job well Ask questions or seek guidance when necessary Let us know in advance of any changes that affect you […]